Sep 202010

I had a blast yesterday playing at the Bluemont Fair. Every September the little town of Bluemont VA turns itself into a fabulous country fair with animals, deep-fried food, crafts, stuff for kids, and music stages all over the place.

I played a solo set for an hour at a stage by the children’s area. My material isn’t exactly the best fit for little kids, but it works. I had my parents there and a bunch of friends listening, and I got to meet other friendly musicians who were playing at the same stage before and after me.

Then Feel The Wag played for two hours at a great spot called “Plaster’s Field.” This is a wine-tasting area where a few of the local wineries were sharing their tastiness. We got there in time to catch a few numbers by Broken Pick, who were singing some nice country and folky rock things–very nice voices in this group. Our set went really great. We had a nice crowd circled around us with lots of applause and chatting. The performance spot really isn’t a stage of any kind. We just set up on the ground under some shady trees, and folks have tables and chairs around us. No PA, just playing out in the open. It really was a fun setup for us playing our old fiddle tunes totally unplugged. We’re thinking that next year we should make a push to get more gigs at some of these wineries here in the Blue Ridge foothills.

It was great to see so many friends. I didn’t get to hear much music this year, and I missed out on the pit beef and funnel cakes. I just didn’t have as much time because I didn’t go out for both days like past years.

Looking forward to next year. You can find out about the fair at

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